Family Violence

In the difficult times
We'll help you through

Going through legal processes can be scary at the best of times. A lawyer who knows family law and has helped people facing violence before can be a real lifesaver.

Here's how we can help:

  • Break down the legal stuff: We'll explain your options in plain English, whether it's getting a protection order, figuring out care arrangements, or sorting a place to live.
  • Help with the Court process: We can help you get or respond to Court orders.
  • Help you resolve property matters: Often family violence brings an end to a relationship and we can help you resolve all property matters at the same time
  • Connect you with help: We can link you up with counselors, support groups, or other agencies if you need them.

You don't have to go through this alone. Get the legal support you need. Book now for a chat.

Please note, we do not offer legal aid - Click here to find a legal aid lawyer


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